
In accordance with the principles of the Ethics and Conduct Code of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and in response to the recurring requests presented by the Research Centers and PhD Programs of UCP, it is hereby appointed, for the biennium 2024-2025, the "Ethics Committee: for Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities" (CETCH) as a complement to the already existing "Ethics Committee for Health".

In line with the already existing commission, the creation of the new commission obeys the intrinsic requirements of the exercise of scientific research. Ethical conduct in scientific research implies the application of values, fundamental ethical principles, standards, and guidelines for good practice, as well as current legislation in all areas applicable to research.

The assessment procedure focuses on ethical norms and standards, applicable legislation, national and international conventions and declarations, national authorizations and ethical approvals, proportionality of methods, and proponents' conscience regarding the observance of high ethical standards, as well as the imperative of protecting and guaranteeing the dignity and integrity of all involved, at the different stages of the research process.

The Ethics Committee: for Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities (CETCH) of UCP meets monthly during the months of September through July and will seek to consider requests for opinions that are submitted up to 30 days prior to the meeting.

The Ethics Committee will have the technical support of the Research and Innovation Office (RIO).