Academic Services

Most requests should be placed exclusively online.

The services provided in person are:

  • Receipt of original documents
  • Delivery of original documents (certificates), or documents as a result of online requests

Steps to submit your request online:

  1. Access ESCA
    (If you experience any problem related to your login details to ESCA, please send an email to
  2. Go to the "Services" Tab
  3. Choose the desired Service – Examples below:

    - Request for Certificate of Enrollment (School Pass, Social Benefits, Scholarship)
    - Application for Course Completion Certificate
    - Diploma Request
    - Application Form
  4. On the next working day consult in: "Academic Record / Treasury Status" if there are any amounts for payment
  5. You can check your requests in "Requests / View request".  As soon as they are processed, they will have the "Status" - "Finalized"
  6. If applicable, you can pick up the associated documents in the School Office opening hours. If someone else is picking up your document, you must send an email in advance to, indicating the name of the authorized person