How We Monitor and Assess Quality

Internal Monitoring and Assessment


Assessment cycles integrate the different stages and activities of assessment and improvement. Assessment cycles involve the entire institution, insofar as they include the collection and processing of data for planning, monitoring of activities, assessment by Stakeholders and, finally, the involvement of institutional bodies in the assessment of monitoring, reporting, and quality plans.

The assessment and planning cycles in the QS are aligned with the University’s Strategic Planning cycles and the relevant UCP Activity Cycles. UCP’s SDP is approved by the Board of Governors and has a duration of five years. It is monitored every six months. UCP’s activities have a different duration, and are subject to an assessment cycle that, depending on its nature, may be annual or semi-annual. The UCP QS may also be subject to partial or complete external assessments, by national and international entities.

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External Monitoring and Assessment

Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES)

Assessment and accreditation of study cycles (A3ES)

Institutional Assessment and Accreditation (A3ES)


Foundation for Science and Technology)

Assessment of R&D Units (FCT)