
The undergraduate programme (1st cycle) has a normal duration of six to eight semesters and grants between 180-240 ECTS credits. This grade of study provides students with basic knowledge in the scientific areas of the programme and important competences for their immediate employability or the pursuit of master-level studies (2nd cycle).

The programmes taught by UCP and the degrees granted (undergraduate, masters and doctoral degree) have the same value and produce the same effects as those of the state universities (Decree-Law no. 128/90). This system is based on three study cycles and is structured by the principles of the Bologna Process, which came into operation starting in 2006/07. All Study Programmes taught at Universidade Católica Portuguesa are accredited by "Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior" (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES) and duly registered on “Direção Geral do Ensino Superior” (Directorate General for Higher Education).

CATÓLICA-LISBON is currently an institution of reference in Portugal, with a reputation for excellence in its various levels of education: Bachelors in Economics, Bachelors in Management, Masters, MBA and Programs for Executives.


Católica Porto Business School is a school recognized nationally and internationally for the complete development of professionals in the areas of Economics and Management, focused on sustainability and respect for the individual. For more than 25 years the School has been preparing professionals for the global business, who follow careers in Portugal or abroad. 

The Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FEP-UCP) offers its students a quality education in the fields of Education and Psychology. The educational offer in Education includes several post-graduate courses, a master's degree and a PhD program (at the Porto Regional Centre and the Catholic University of Mozambique).

The Faculty of Human Sciences is organized in five scientific areas - Communication Sciences, Culture Studies, Philosophy, Social Sciences and Psychology - offering a total of 6 degrees, 10 master's degrees (with a total of 16 variants or annual specializations) and 7 PhDs. Moreover there is a Graduate School and an Advanced Training (EPGFA), with a dozen courses of variable format and length, 2 institutes and 3 Study Centers.

The reputation of the Faculty of Law (Porto School) speaks for itself. It was the first law course north of Coimbra. Over the course of 40 years, it has been building its own body of teachers, trained in Portugal and in prestigious European and North American universities. In the Faculty of Law, it is seen as a fundamental objective to help each student carry out their professional projects and even some of their dreams.

The Institute for Political Studies intends to be a strategic project of long reach and long duration. In an era in when knowledge tends to be the key to development, this Institute naturally assumes itself as a project for the future which seeks to be useful to Portugal and to the Portuguese-speaking world.

The School of Arts in Porto is directed to all those who are interested in the ancient and contemporary artistic and cultural heritage, in a diversified theoretical and practical education, and who are curious and have an open mind to research and fondness for problem solving.


In 2006, the Escola Superior Politécnica de Saúde (Polytechnic School of Health) was created within the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS) of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

On 30 September 2015, the University's Board of Governors approved changing the name of the Escola Superior Politécnica de Saúde to Escola de Enfermagem (Lisboa).

In 2006, the Escola Superior Politécnica de Saúde (Polytechnic School of Health) was created within the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS) of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, integrating the Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Imaculada Conceição (Nursing School of the Immaculate Conception) (in operation since 1935), which became the Nursing Teaching Unit of the Universidade Católica do Porto.

On 30 September 2015, the University's Board of Governors approved changing the name of the Escola Superior Politécnica de Saúde to Escola de Enfermagem (Porto).