Differentiated Teaching

Sala de estudo UCP com valores escritos na parede

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) stands out for its education based not only on the values of Christian humanism but also on its capacity for innovation while promoting the integrity and excellence of its research and teaching. This is an inclusive institution which encourages intercultural exchange through fostering openness to the outside world, both via its connections to social and business environ­­ments and the internationalisation of its campuses and the services provided.

UCP deploys a highly qualified team of lecturers who draw their taught content upon scientific research and incorporate in the curricular programs and pedagogical methodologies the most recent scientific developments to nurture and develop the critical spirit of students.

Classes are taught in relatively small groups, with discussions of relevant topics and the evaluation of knowledge taking place essentially on a face-to-face basis. This enables the UCP to provide personalised accompaniment to all students and contributes towards a uniquely personal academic education within the scope of ethical principles and transversal social competences.

This University represents a community that is fully aware of its social responsibilities, with a strong, collaborative and dynamic academic spirit that reflects in the ongoing daily activities and events organised whether by students, their associations or clubs and alongside the projects jointly developed by students, professors and support offices.