
Católica celebrates its National Day with a Holy Mass

Sunday, February 04, 2024 - 11:00 - Sunday, February 04, 2024 - 12:00

Igreja Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes

This year, the National Day of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa takes place on 4 February, under the slogan "A new Choreography of Knowledge". On this date, the academic community is invited to take part in a Mass of Thanksgiving. 

The Mass will be presided over by Bishop Rui Valério, Patriarch of Lisbon and Magno Chancellor of the University, in the Church of Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes, in Lisbon, on 4 February, at 11am, and will be broadcast live on Rádio Renascença and TVI.

The National Day of Católica is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of February every year. It is a day when thinking about the Universidade Católica makes it closer to everyone and shows it as an instrument of the Church's mission.

Categorias: Católica Events

Visit | Commerce with History and Tourism

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - 14:00 - Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - 16:00

Centro Regional de Braga | UCP

The Braga Regional Centre of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) and the Braga Business Association (AEB) are organising a visit to "Commerce with History and Tourism" in the city of Braga on January 31 at 14h00.

The aim of this event is to visit the following companies: Mercado São João, Pereira das Violas, Paramentaria Vasconcelos and A Negrita, in order to highlight the crucial role these companies play in preserving the city's cultural and economic identity.

This initiative, organised by AEB in collaboration with UCP, as well as enriching knowledge about the city's history and commercial tradition, also aims to strengthen the local business fabric by exchanging experiences and actively promoting networks through partnerships.

You can confirm your participation  HERE.


Categorias: Centro Regional de Braga

Estoril Political Forum 2019 by Institute for Political Studies

Monday, June 24, 2019 - 15:00 - Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 22:30

Hotel Palácio - Estoril

27th International Meeting in Political Studies [Est. 1993]
Hotel Palácio, Estoril - June 24-26

"The Transatlantic Alliance: 70 Years After the Founding of NATO, 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall”

Ever since 1993, the Annual International Political Studies Meetings (Estoril Political Forum) have brought together academics, students, politicians, business leaders, opinion makers and journalists in an open debate on the issues surrounding politics and international relations.

This international forum is recognised as a program of excellence endowing students and other participants the opportunity to learn and engage with some of the most renowned specialists in the field while simultaneously building up a broad reaching network of international contacts.

More information

Categorias: Instituto de Estudos Políticos Events

André Azevedo Alves: "O PSD e o bailinho da Madeira"

Os acontecimentos recentes na Madeira que conduziram à queda do executivo liderado por Miguel Albuquerque chegam na pior altura possível para o PSD. Aquilo que seria sempre um caso com implicações nefastas para o PSD nacional assume, a poucas semanas das eleições legislativas, uma dimensão ainda mais grave pela forma como a liderança nacional do partido não soube reagir adequadamente.

Como bem explicou Miguel Morgado na SIC N pouco depois de serem conhecidos os desenvolvimentos da investigação, a saída de Miguel Albuquerque era inevitável. Luís Montenegro, que poderia e deveria ter tomado a iniciativa num momento que seria sempre muito difícil para o PSD, falhou na reacção e perdeu ainda mais terreno neste tema, que como é sabido é central na estratégia eleitoral do Chega.

Nota: Este conteúdo é exclusivo dos assinantes do Observador de 31 de janeiro de 2024.

Exposition "Uncanny River (The Crossing)"

Thursday, May 23, 2019 - 14:00 - Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 17:00

Galeria Fundação Amélia de Mello | UCP | Lisboa - Sede

Curated by Luísa Santos, the exhibition "Uncanny River (The Crossing)", by João Biscainho, opens the GN (Generation Next) programming cycle, at the Amélia de Mello Foundation Gallery, dedicated to artistic and research projects. 

"When we enter - in fact, when we immerse ourselves - in the space of the Gallery made sculpture-installation, we are immediately drawn to the abyss that receives us. A moving image projected on a glass structure, to which its reflection in a mirror is associated at ninety degrees, portrays an impossible watercourse that goes back and forth simultaneously", indicates Luísa Santos, curator of this exhibition.

Inauguration: May 23rd, at 6:30 pm, at the Amélia de Mello Foundation Gallery | Catholic University of Lisbon.

Start and End Date: The exhibition runs from May 23 to October 2019.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday | 2 pm - 5 pm | Free Entrance

Exposição "Uncanny River (The Crossing)"

Categorias: Exhibitions

Pedro Celeste: "A era do Marketing 6.0"

E hoje, por força da evolução digital, das alterações do comportamento dos consumidores, da necessidade em compreender cada momento de jornada do cliente e pelas alterações do contexto externo com extrema rapidez, o marketing tem necessidade de evoluir para uma nova era.

Assim, contempla uma tripla dimensão que vive de forma integrada e imersiva e cujos vértices são representados pela tecnologia, humanização e pela envolvente. Vejamos o seguinte exemplo: o crescimento do metaverso e da inteligência artificial permitem a simulação da experiência de condução de um determinado automóvel, na cor que elegemos, com o modelo que pretendemos, circulando pelas ruas que escolhemos. Estão presentes nesta história a tecnologia, a customização e a envolvente, todas elas contribuindo para moldar a experiência do cliente e eventualmente, ser partilhada.

Artigo completo disponível na Link To Leaders.

Sondagem da Católica. Aliança Democrática venceria hoje as eleições legislativas

A pouco mais de um mês das eleições legislativas, a Aliança Democrática (AD) passa para a frente nas intenções de voto. É o que revela uma sondagem da Universidade Católica para a Antena 1, RTP jornal Público.

Pode ver aqui.

Terms of Confidentiality and Processing of Personal Data

The data collected in this form will be processed and stored in digital format.

The information provided is confidential and will be used exclusively for administrative purposes and for the purposes listed in point 3 of the present terms and conditions.

The information provided in these terms and conditions also applies to the processing of personal data (“any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person irrespective of nature and format”) collected or generated within the scope of attendance, access or any other usage of the degrees programmes and services provided by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa as well as the contacts established with any of the Regional Centres, Academic Units or Schools of Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

1. Controller

The controller is the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, collective entity number 501082522, with its headquarters at Palma de Cima, 1649-023 Lisbon (UCP hereafter).

UCP provides the following means of contact should you have any questions or queries:

  • Lisbon:
  • Porto:
  • Braga:
    • Telephone: (+351) 25 320 61 00 | E-mail:
      (Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Faculty of Theology)
  • Viseu:

2. Universidade Católica Portuguesa Data Protection Officer contact details

UCP has a designated a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted via the following means of contact:

Telephone: (+351) 21 721 40 00 | E-mail:

3. Purpose and legal basis for data processing

UCP processes your personal data solely for administrative and communication purposes, in particular, for the following purposes and respective legal basis:



Issuing of Certificates, Certifications and Diplomas


Submitting administrative requests


Mark sheets - applications and admissions


Publication of marks and grade average calculation


Attendance records


Merit-based scholarships


Accreditation/Equivalence of degrees


Supply of data to third parties (RAIDES or incoming or outgoing student exchange programs) Legal obligation
Statistics Legal obligation
Promotion of events and degree programmes Legitimate interest


4. Data retention criteria

The period for which the personal data will be stored by the UCP varies in accordance with the purpose for which the information is retained, for the periods necessary to the satisfaction of each requirement and in accordance with the respective legally stipulated durations, specifically the storage conservation durations or others that, in each moment, are applicable, especially in keeping with the following criteria:

Applications/Enrolments/Registration Legal criteria
Issuing of Certificates, Certifications and Diplomas Legal criteria
Submitting administrative requests Three months after contract expiry
Mark sheets - applications and admissions Legal criteria
Publication of marks and grade average calculation Legal criteria
Attendance records Three months after contract expiry
Merit-based scholarships Legal criteria
Accreditation/Equivalence of degrees Legal criteria
Supply of data to third parties (RAIDES or incoming or outgoing student exchange programs) Legal criteria
Statistics Legal criteria
Promotion of events and degree programmes Three months after contract expiry


5. Recipients to which the personal data are disclosed

Your personal data may be conveyed to n processors, including Caixa Geral de Depósitos for the pupose of issuing Universidade Católica Portuguesa ID cards, for the purpose of managing digital platforms or other support services. These processors will process your data within the strict scope of the purposes set out above and are therefore unable to use this data for their own purposes or for the purposes of third parties. Your personal data may also be passed on to administrative or regulatory authorities in compliance with the legal obligations of registration, communication and reporting, as well as peer entities in the context of any the academic programmes you may participate in.

6. Your rights as data subject

As a data subject, you may exercise, at any time, the following rights whenever duly meeting, in each specific case, the legal conditions that depend on your exercising of such rights: right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject and to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. For further clarification on these rights, please consult the information available through the following link.

7. Lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

Should such be necessary, you may furthermore submit your complaint directly to the Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (CNPD) the Portuguese supervisory authority.

8. Contractual requirement

The communication of the personal data collected in this form constitutes a pre-contractual or contractual requirement, to enable the purpose for which the processing of said data fulfils. The failure to collect the requested data prevents the administrative management of students.

«Estamos num momento profundamente difícil para as democracias», afirma reitora da Católica

A Reitora da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) afirmou que há uma “crise de confiança nas instituições”, o discurso público “está completamente contaminado” e considera que as democracias vivem um momento “profundamente difícil”.

“No contexto europeu estamos num momento profundamente difícil para as democracias”, disse Isabel Capeloa Gil em entrevista à Agência ECCLESIA.

A Reitora da UCP alertou para a “crise de confiança nas instituições” que se vive na sociedade europeia, referindo que “o ressentimento e o desencanto das pessoas com as condições de vida provoca um esboroar das instituições que muitas vezes não estão à altura daquilo que delas se exige”.

Artigo completo disponível na Ecclesia.

Categorias: The President

Open Knowledge Day | "Leadership and Diversity(ies) - Flourishes from the same bag"

Thursday, February 29, 2024 - 14:00

Auditório Carvalho Guerra | UCP | Centro Regional do Porto

An Open Knowledge Day will be held on 29 February on the theme "Leadership and Diversity(ies) - Flourishes from the same bag", organised by IAPMEI and the Porto Regional Centre of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Leadership plays a crucial role in the direction and success of a team. Dealing with human multiplicity is a constant challenge that forces organisations to adopt ethically aligned practices and approaches that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

Integrating ethical principles that are attentive to generational diversity creates a healthier and more productive environment, stimulating innovation and adaptation to changes in the market. These practices are essential for the company's long-term success and growth.


Isabel  Braga  da  Cruz | Pró-Reitora da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Luís  Guerreiro | Presidente IAPMEI - Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação, I.P.
Keynote Speaker:
Helena  Gonçalves | Católica Porto Business School
Alberto  Castro | Católica Porto Business School

Ana  Tavares | Valérius 360
Pedro  Ventura | Cartonagem Trindade
Tiago  Pereira | Grupo JPM - Balanças Marques
Marisa  Garrido | APMEI - Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação, I.P.
Alberto  Castro | Católica Porto Business School


Categorias: Centro Regional do Porto Events

Filipe Santos: "O centro político pode ganhar facilmente, é só querer"

Vem este artigo a propósito de como a teoria económica pode salvar Portugal da delicada situação política em que nos encontramos, garantindo que não só sairá um governo estável das eleições mas também que esse governo estará alinhado com os valores fundamentais da nossa sociedade e comprometido com o programa de governo que apresentou aos eleitores.

A teoria de jogos é o ramo da Economia que estuda processos de decisão entre vários agentes que têm que tomar decisões cujo resultado depende das decisões dos outros. Neste campo, existem problemas tipicamente denominados de "Dilema do Prisioneiro" em que dois agentes económicos ganhariam muito em colaborar, mas a falta de informação e desconfiança no outro agente levam a um resultado pior para ambos. Um objetivo importante da teoria económica é conseguir desenhar modelos de governança e soluções para que a cooperação aconteça e todos ganhem.

Artigo completo disponível no jornal Negócios.