
Double Degree Alumna co-authors study published by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation

Francisca Osório de Castro, an alumna of the Double Degree in Law and Management from Católica Porto Business School and the Faculty of Law, is a co-author of the study "The Impact of Corporate Income Tax on the Portuguese Economy", recently published by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation.

"Have the taxes that companies pay on their profits affected the growth of the national economy? What would happen if the corporate tax rate were lowered? And what are the consequences of legislative instability in corporate taxation, given that the corporate income tax has been amended more than 1,350 times since its creation in 1989?" are some of the questions addressed by the study.

"Among the results of the economic analysis conducted, the positive impact of an estimated 7.5% reduction in the effective corporate tax rate on wages and GDP stands out. The latter would also be positively influenced by a potential simplification of the tax structure, bringing it closer to its original form. The particularly detrimental effect of legislative instability observed in this area is also noteworthy, for which we dare to offer some mitigation suggestions based on international benchmarking," states Francisca Osório de Castro.

The study, coordinated by Pedro Brinca, has Afonso Souto Moura, João B. Duarte, Miguel Cortez Pimentel, and Paulo Núncio as co-authors. Learn more about the study here.

Fotografia da Alumna da Dupla Licenciatura

Categorias: Católica Porto Business School

Fri, 31/05/2024

MindCast: strategies for organising time and managing stress during exams

In this 3rd episode of MindCast, Cátia Branquinho, professor at Universidade Católica (UCP), talks to student Sofia Torneiro about the upcoming exam season.

Cátia Branquinho, a Clinical and Health Psychologist and professor at UCP's Faculty of Human Sciences, emphasises that the exam period is undoubtedly a challenging and stressful time. She stresses that organising time is crucial, as it allows you to maximise your study time by implementing an effective study plan, helping you to retain information and concentration and avoiding procrastination.

For the professor, these are skills that develop and improve with practice.

With regard to organising time effectively in this exam phase, the main strategies highlighted in this episode are maintaining good sleep patterns - sleeping the recommended number of hours, maintaining regularity, and eating an adequate and healthy diet, ensuring hydration throughout the day, but also taking care of mental health and well-being, through self-care routines - having time for yourself, doing pleasurable activities, connecting with others (family and friends), doing physical exercise.

Creating a study plan and sticking to it, using diaries/calendars/task lists, setting smart goals and prioritising tasks are equally important. But in this episode, it is also recommended to take breaks that suit each individual and use study techniques that are adapted to each individual, such as notes, flash cards, apps, study groups with colleagues, among others.

It is also important to avoid sources of distraction, to use apps as positive reinforcement, increasing motivation, and of course, to celebrate individual achievements.

Finally, it is stressed that students should be alert to signs of stress (fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, among others) and seek specialised support if necessary. Stress can be positive, increasing attention, focus, motivation and performance, if it does not occur excessively.

The 4th episode of this season will be released on 13 June, with the theme ‘The importance of self-esteem for academic success’.

Listen to all the episodes from the first season here, and learn more about mental health consultations for the entire academic community here.

MindCast, a podcast about mental health, was launched in May and was born out of a partnership between the Social Responsibility Office and the Marketing Club of the Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics.

Categorias: Saúde Mental

Fri, 31/05/2024


Garantir o acesso à saúde de qualidade e promover o bem-estar para todos, em todas as idades

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Garantir o acesso à educação inclusiva, de qualidade e equitativa, e promover oportunidades de aprendizagem ao longo da vida para todos

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ODS 17

Reforçar os meios de implementação e revitalizar a Parceria Global para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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Catolica appoints new Ethics Commission: Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities

The President of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Isabel Capeloa Gil, appointed the new "Ethics Committee: Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities" (CETCH), for the biennium 2024-2025. Professors Célia Manaia and William Hasselberger were elected to the positions of President and Vice-President of the Commission, respectively.

he members of CETCH in 2024-2025 are Célia Manaia, Faculty of Biotechnology; Célia Ribeiro, of the Institute of Management and Health Organisations; Francisco Roumier Ribeirinho, Academia de Líderes Católicos; Jorge Pereira da Silva, Faculty of Law; Rita Francisco e Inês Bolinhas, of the Faculty of Human Sciences; Rita Isabel Valadas, President of Cáritas Portuguesa; William Hasselberger, Institute for Political Studies; Clara Raimundo, 7Margens; Helena Gonçalves, Católica Porto Business School; Rita Coelho do Vale, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics e Fabrizia Raguso, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

The Ethics Committee: Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities obeys the intrinsic requirements of the exercise of scientific research. Ethical conduct in scientific research implies the application of values, fundamental ethical principles, standards, and guidelines for good practice, as well as current legislation in all areas applicable to research.

The assessment procedure focuses on ethical norms and standards, applicable legislation, national and international conventions and declarations, national authorizations and ethical approvals, proportionality of methods, and proponents' conscience regarding the observance of high ethical standards, as well as the imperative of protecting and guaranteeing the dignity and integrity of all involved, at the different stages of the research process.

The CETCH meets monthly to consider the requests for opinions submitted by the end of the previous month, and has the technical support of the Research and Innovation Office (RIO).

To learn about the process of submitting a request for an opinion, visit CETCH page

Categorias: Investigação e Inovação

Fri, 31/05/2024


Construir infraestruturas resilientes, promover a industrialização inclusiva e sustentável e fomentar a inovação

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UCP organises Food Education workshops with Ajuda de Mãe

On 14 and 27 May, the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), as part of the Projeto VIDA (LIFE Project), organised two skills volunteering sessions in collaboration with the Ajuda de Mãe institution.

These workshops, focused on Nutrition Education, were led by Shirley Silva, a nutritionist and postgraduate student in Organisational Development and Team and People Training at the Faculty of Human Sciences. The sessions took place at the headquarters of Ajuda de Mãe and were attended by 10 pregnant women and mothers assisted by the organisation.

As part of the Projeto VIDA, volunteers can get involved with the community in various ways, including skills volunteering. Shirley Silva, who began her career as a volunteer at Ajuda de Mãe providing regular support in the nursery, was challenged to apply her knowledge of nutrition for the benefit of the organisation's users. Drawing on her experience and training, Shirley organised two workshops entitled "Food for the whole family" and "Introducing food to babies", aimed at pregnant women and mothers assisted by Ajuda de Mãe.

"The course lived up to my expectations, I'm full of ideas to put into practice with my family. I'd like to emphasise the excellent quality of the trainer, who was available and accessible. A special thank you to all of you who support us", emphasises Ariana da Silva, one of the workshop participants, highlighting the positive impact of this initiative.

Catarina Pinto, a representative of Ajuda de Mãe, also emphasised the importance of the sessions: "It's very important to be more aware of our diet and to correct it in order to become healthier and more aware of our sustainability. The session was very interesting, not least because of the tools used (participation of the trainees and the use of games, presentation of healthy recipes)".

These initiatives emphasise the importance of skills volunteering, where professionals and students can contribute their knowledge to the development and well-being of the community. The Universidade Católica Portuguesa, through the Projeto VIDA, reaffirms its commitment to promoting actions that generate a positive and sustainable impact on society.

Categorias: Projeto VIDA Responsabilidade Social Faculty of Human Sciences

Fri, 31/05/2024


Garantir o acesso à saúde de qualidade e promover o bem-estar para todos, em todas as idades

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Garantir o acesso à educação inclusiva, de qualidade e equitativa, e promover oportunidades de aprendizagem ao longo da vida para todos

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ODS 17

Reforçar os meios de implementação e revitalizar a Parceria Global para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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Solemnity of the Body of God or the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, by Friar José Carlos Matias

The Solemnity of the Body of God, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, is a very special feast in the life of the Catholic Church. On this day, we celebrate the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He is with us!

I'm sharing this very simple text with you, which is not intended to be an exhaustive analysis of the subject, but rather to help you reflect on the profound mystery of the Eucharist.

The Mystery of the Body of God: Tradition, Faith and Reflection

The Body of God, one of the most important feasts in the Catholic liturgical calendar, is a time of deep reflection and celebration. This feast dates back to the 13th century, when a nun, Juliana de Cornillon, had visions that inspired her to promote the institution of a feast in honour of the Body of Christ present in the Eucharist.

At a time when the Eucharist was difficult to understand, this Solemnity emerged as a beacon of faith, reaffirming the real presence of Jesus in the consecrated host. In the face of misinterpretations and doubts, this celebration invites the faithful to renew their devotion and understanding of this central sacrament of the Catholic faith.

History and meaning

The history of the Body of God is intrinsically linked to the institution of the Eucharist by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper. The belief in the real presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine is at the heart of this feast, which celebrates the mystery of transubstantiation. During the Eucharist, the bread and wine are truly transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, retaining only the physical appearances of bread and wine. Beyond all possible explanations, we believe in this real presence because, at the Last Supper, the Lord Jesus said: ‘this is my body’, ‘this is my blood’; and he never deceives us.

In Portugal, devotion to the Body of God gained prominence under the reign of King Manuel I, who promoted the construction of magnificent churches and chapels for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The procession of the Body of God, with the Blessed Sacrament solemnly exposed, is one of the most visible manifestations of this devotion.

St Anthony: A Model of Eucharistic Devotion

As a good Franciscan, I cannot fail to mention St Anthony. Known and venerated throughout the world, he was born in Lisbon at the end of the 12th century and is known not only for his miracles and preaching, but also for his deep devotion to the Eucharist.

St Anthony understood the Eucharist to be the pinnacle of Christian life, the moment when the faithful are most intimately united to Christ. His Eucharistic devotion has inspired generations. I could share countless details, including the famous story of the mule and the heretic, but I'll talk about all that another time.

St Thomas Aquinas: Theology and Reflection

St Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest theologians in the history of the Church, made a significant contribution to the understanding of the Eucharistic mystery. In his monumental work, the ‘Summa Theologiae’, St Thomas explores the nature of the Eucharist, defending the doctrine of transubstantiation and the real presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine.

For St Thomas, the Eucharist is not just a symbol or a reminder, but the substantial presence of Christ in the life of the Christian community. His theological approach continues to be a fundamental reference for understanding this mystery that is so central to the faith.

In short...

The feast of the Body of God is an opportunity for the faithful to renew their faith in the living presence of Christ in the Eucharist. As we recall the history of this feast, the devotion of St Anthony and the theological reflection of St Thomas Aquinas, we are invited to immerse ourselves more deeply in the Eucharistic mystery and renew our commitment to Christ and the Christian community.

I deeply hope that this celebration will inspire us to live the values of the Gospel more fully and to witness to Christ's real, physical and tangible presence in the world.

T4EU | Open Applications for Student Council Member

Applications are now open for a place on the Transform4Europe (T4EU) Student Council. The selected candidate will represent UCP students on this T4EU body, which is responsible for defending the interests, needs and opinions of the Alliance's students.

The Student Council is comprised of students from all T4EU member universities and it aims to discuss relevant issues and develop measures to improve the academic and social experiences of all European students.

Applications are accepted until June 7 from students attending any UCP Bachelor's Degree from faculties located in Lisbon, Braga or Viseu.

Duration of the role: Minimum 1.5 years (with active academic enrolment)

Objectives/obligations: Each T4EU institution has in its constitution 2 active members and 1 vice member. The new member will initially be considered a vice member and then, when a member leaves, will be regarded as a member of the Student Council. The new member aims to support all the needs of the Student Council, with active participation in the meetings and work packages related to the T4EU project. As long as they are a vice member, they can get to know the SC. Internally, for the UCP, all members are considered equal and always work as a team.

To apply send an e-mail to with the subject ‘T4EU_SC_(first and last name)’. The email should include the curriculum vitae (CV): full name; degree; year of degree; UCP campus; and activities carried out during the degree. In addition to the CV, candidates should send a brief personal statement about the value they can bring to T4EU.

More information


Transform4Europe Student Council

 Student Council Members at T4EU Week 2024, at the University of Primorska, in Slovenia.

Categorias: Transform4Europe International

Wed, 29/05/2024